Big Brain Gaming
A Tri-Cites Wargaming Club

Building Community
Big Brain Gaming is a club located in the Tri-Cites with a focus on Warhammer 40k. We aim to host regular 40k events in the Eastern Washington area. Also working hard to bring the tabletop war-gaming community together in friendly and welcoming way.
Join our discord full of discussions and people looking to play. Find our events page and get excited for tournaments and more. Or maybe consider joining the Patreon and helping us achieve even bigger things.

Find exciting events, learn about past tournaments, and see the yearly local rankings
Take a look at the business that help us with prize support, venues, and more
See the armies in actions with video and images from the community
Take a look at our Facebook, Discord, and Patreon
See top generals, best artist,rankings by imperium, chaos, xenos , and overall winners from years past